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Memorabilia Authenticity PenCam Technology

PenCam Technology What is PenCam™?

PenCam™ is Upper Deck's revolutionary authentication device that captures video footage of signatures as they are being created.

How does it work?

PenCam™ is a pen with a tiny video camera that is encased in a special housing and has circuitry and software that enables it to wirelessly record visual images. As the athlete signs his autograph, the signature is captured electronically and automatically saved to a computer file. The digital file, which bears the same unique number as a hologram that will appear on the memorabilia item, is passed along to the consumer via the web at along with a digital jpeg image of the item. the consumer also receives a description of the item and information about when the signing took place.

What does Upper Deck want to accomplish with this device?

To give consumers visual authentication of their signed memorabilia and to provide a complete chain of documentation from the moment the autograph is signed until the consumer buys it, registers it and/or later sells it. The digital authentication follows the memorabilia item no matter how many times it changes owners.

What value does PenCam™ offer the consumer?

Consumers get the luxury of "visual" authentication by being a virtual witness of the athlete signing the item they purchase. Short of meeting the athlete and getting the autograph in person, this is the next best way for the consumer to have the thrill of seeing the item signed and to know the autograph is real.

Is it Upper Deck's plan to replace their industry-leading five-step authentication process with this device?

No. PenCam™ augments the five-step process by providing a visual record of the signing. An Upper Deck representative is present and witnesses all Upper Deck authenticated autograph sessions, and now the representative will also assist the athletes in using PenCam™.

Will PenCam™ become part of Upper Deck's patented five-step process?


Obviously, Upper Deck has spent significant resources to develop PenCam™, why is the company undertaking this expense when it already has the patented five-step authentication process, which is the industry-leading standard for authenticity?

Upper Deck has a strong track record for using cutting-edge innovation to enhance the value, appeal and integrity of its products. PenCam™ takes Upper Deck's authenticity standards to a whole new level and delivers an added measure of peace of mind to consumers.

The PenCam™ video files are cool, but how can the consumer be sure that it's really the athlete using the pen?

A company representative is present at every Upper Deck authenticated autograph session and must activate PenCam™ for the athlete to use at the signing.

What athletes have used PenCam™ and what do they think about it?

Ken Griffey Jr., Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan. They were unanimously impressed by PenCam's technology. When Bryant tried it, he said, "I think it shows commitment to their customers to ensure that they're buying a real product. What they're doing is really different; it's pioneer."

Does this device have other applications?

PenCam™ could be used on any important documents where authentic signatures are necessary.

Given the widespread forgery problem, does Upper Deck plan to license the use of this device to other memorabilia companies?

The company is exploring all options at this time.

Does Upper Deck use Pencam on every item at each signing?

No. Pencam technology is used at most signings but certain circumstances preclude its use at every signing. Also, certain convex items like basketball and baseballs do not receive Pencam technology due to some technological limitations. For the most part, however, the items signed by our marquee athletes, such as Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods, will feature Pencam technology.


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