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Memorabilia Authenticity & Fraud Prevention

Authenticity has been a central theme to Upper Deck products since the company’s inception in 1988. The company revolutionized trading cards using sophisticated printing technology to improve the overall quality of products and adding a trademark hologram that prevented them from being counterfeited. In 1992, Upper Deck expanded the company’s focus on authenticity to include fine autographed sports memorabilia backed by a patented five-step authentication process which guarantees fans are receiving genuine autographs.

The heart of the five-step process is the company’s policy that an Upper Deck representative must witness each autograph signed by any one of its stable of high-profile athletes including Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, Ken Griffey Jr., Peyton Manning, and Kevin Garnett to name a few.

Today Upper Deck dedicates more resources than any other sports collectibles and memorabilia company to ensure the authenticity of its products.


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